#adem whitney
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speedymiraclebeard · 1 month ago
Urgent!! Emergency 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
Don't ignore me, listen to our sad story💔🥹🍉
On October 29, Aisha Al-Masri’s life was shattered when her beloved husband, Mohammed Al-Masri, was tragically killed in an Israeli airstrike as he went to collect food aid. He was simply trying to provide for his family when the bombing took his life.
Now, Aisha and her precious little boy Saadi are left alone to deal with this unimaginable loss in a war-torn region.
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Mohammed was their protector, their provider, their world. With him gone, Aisha struggles to keep herself and Saadi safe and warm as winter approaches. Their home has been reduced to rubble by bombs, leaving them without shelter or basic necessities.
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How you can help:
Aisha and Saadi need urgent support to survive the coming harsh winter. They are in dire need of a safe place to stay, warm clothes and basic supplies. Your generous donations can help them rent a room to protect them from the cold and provide the basic necessities they need to rebuild their lives.
Every contribution - no matter how small - brings hope to Aisha and Saadi during this difficult time. Your kindness can help them find safety after losing everything.
This is a photo of Saadi in their beautiful home before the bombs destroyed it. This is what they lost, but with your help, they can find hope again.
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Please donate:
If you feel moved by their story, please consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign. Your support means the world to Aisha and Saadi - it gives them hope that they are not alone in this fight for survival.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for reading their story and for any help you can offer during this sad time.
With deep gratitude,
Aisha Al Masry
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #338 )✅️
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too-queer-for-school · 5 months ago
hi sukuna ball sucker 3000
how are you sukuna ball sucker 3000
Im doing amazing ty for asking
Sucking balls like no one's business 💪💪💪
How are you Ari wife of albedo husband of kaeya bitch of adem pegger of kylar sexer of whitney
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providencepeakrp · 3 years ago
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Please submit your account within 24 hours and explore our new member checklist!
Adem Polat ( Serkay Tütüncü ) written by Mae.
Violeta ‘V’ Herrera ( Danielle Pineda ) written by Whitney.
Nicolas Park ( Ji Jin-Hee ) written by Red.
Judith “Judy” Kwon ( Park Min-Young ) written by Red.
Mei Lee ( Gemma Chan ) written by Harry.
Matias Cortes ( Miguel Gomez ) written by Mati.
                                         ENJOY YOUR STAY!
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auliamakbar · 8 years ago
Seluas Langit Biru (part 2)
Setelah 2 tahun menghilang... Hello again!
First of all... OH-HOW-I-MISS-BLOGGING!  Dan akhirnya sekarang kembali nulis lagi. Sebenernya udah lumayan banyak juga sih tulisan-tulisan yang udah mau dipost, baik itu disini maupun di wordpress, tapi ujung-ujungnya berakhir di draft. Jadi seringnya jadi observer aja disini, liat-liat postingan temen-temen di sini. Tapi paling sering sih scrolling Facebook, Instagram, sama Path ya, hehe. 2 tahun ngilang dari sini, tentunya cukup banyak yang terjadi, yang sayangnya ngga sempat diabadikan kenangannya dalam bentukan postingan di sini. Tapi ada lah beberapa kenangan yang sempat diabadikan di Path atau Instagram. Sebagiannya lagi amaan, tersimpan dalam bentuk foto yang disimpan di hard disk, but most of all, all the memories are kept safely in my mind, wether good ones or bad ones :) Kalau sekarang-sekarang sih kesibukannya belum terlalu intense. Palingan ya kuliah, nugas, nyicil thesis (baru selesai masukkin proposal thesis 3 hari yang lalu), nyicil belajar, sama tentunya sambil main sama temen-temen dong hehe. Tapi yaa gitu, jadwal kuliah dan tugas yang cukup padat bikin aku ketemu sama temen-teman kalau ngga di kampus, ya masih di sekitaran London aja :’) belum pernah jalan yang jauhh apalagi sampe Euro Trip gitu kaya temen-temen yang lain, padahal udah 6 bulan aja disini. Tapi ngga apa juga sih, soalnya emang bener kalau kata orang-orang, London itu beda, karena dia paket lengkap, jadi beneran deh ngga akan bisa bosen di sini :3 Anyway, sekarang jg aku udah hampir 2 minggu ikutan pola makan Low Carb Diet (LCD) lho. Prinsipnya sih cuman ngurangin makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat tinggi seperti nasi, tepung, kentang, roti, dan pasta. Sedihnyaaa padahal aku lagi suka-sukanya makan bento-bento Jepang disini, sama croissant, sama pancake :( Tapi lama-lama juga terbiasa sih. Ini aku sampe join group FB-nya segala haha, dan kata pengalaman orang-orang yang sukses turun berat badannya dengan pola makan LCD ini, boleh kok ada cheat day seminggu sekali, biar ngga stress kalau lagi kangen sama makanan2 karbo tinggi kata nasi goreng atau kue-kuean gitu. Bahkan sekarang aku setiap ke kampus jalan kaki 45 menit, jadi ya 1.5 jam PP. Untungnyaa ada temen sekelas yang rumahnya deketan, jadi selalu bareng jalannya, dan jadi ga kerasa juga, tau-tau dah sampe aja. Plus udaranya juga masih adem-adem dingin gitu, jadi ngga kedinginan atau kepanasan juga kalau jalan kaki ke kampus. Ntar kudu aku update deh kalau berhasil hahaa, minimal 10 kg dulu deh, soalnya abis lulus kuliah sampe pas sampai di London, BB aku naik 10 kg :__) *sedihnyaaaa. Dalam rentang 1 tahun aja naik 10 kg masa, padahal dulu pas kuliah stagnan-stagnan aja berat badannya. Pengennya sih abis turun 10 kg dan kembali ke BB pas lulus, masih pengen turunin sekitar 10 kg lagi, kembali ke BB pas SMP/SMA hahaha, gatau deh bisa apa ngga, yaa we’ll see lah yak :P Tapi tujuan utamanya sehat kook. Ini aja sekarang udah jadi terbiasa gini makan sehari sekali (padahal di LCD ga ada aturan makan harus dikurangin), abis gimana ya, kadang bikin scrambled eggs dari 2 telur aja udah kenyang. Yowis pokonya ntar soal BB kalau berhasil turun, wajib dibikin ceritanya biar bisa memotivasi diri sendiri (dan org lain juga hopefully) kalau ntar di kemudian hari naik lagi hehehe Anyway soal memotivasi diri sendiri, aku abis mikir, lucu deh, gimana tulisan yang kita tulis sendiri di masa lalu bisa jadi bahan motivasi diri kita di masa sekarang atau yang akan datang. Kaya sekarang ini yang baru aku alami yang bikin aku pengen nulis di sini.  Jadi gini ceritanya. Hari ini aku lagi sediiiiih bgt, karena apa alasannya, ga perlu aku cerita di sini juga lah ya hehe. Sedihnya sih udah berapa bulan ini, dari awal tahun 2017, tapi yaa ngga setiap hari juga sedihnya. Banyak juga seneng-seneng yang dialami belakangan ini. Cuman ada beberapa waktu di mana aku bener-bener kerasaaa banget sedihnya. Ngga harus pas lagi ga ada kerjaan atau pas lagi sedih juga sih, kadang lagi nugas bisa tiba-tiba blank karena tiba-tiba aja dateng sendiri sedihnya. Pernah juga lagi di bus menuju kosan tiba2 sedih ga jelas. Even in the crowded place, we can still feel alone sometimes. But the thing is, kalau cuman sedih-sedih karena hal ga penting sih aku mencoba mengalihkan pemikiran aja dengan nyari-nyari hal lain untuk dilakukan. Atau ga tidur. Atau ga makan. Hahaha. Tapi kalau pas sedih yang dikarenakan hal yang sangat personal buat aku, yang bikin pengen nangis, biasanya aku tahan, karena ga mau aja nangis. Bukan karena gengsi, tapi aku pikir itu semacam bentuk pertahanan diri aku untuk ngga membuat diri aku semakin sedih, karena takutnya kalau nangis malah jadi susah berhenti. Alhamdulillah selama ini berhasil sih, paling berkaca-kaca, trus tarik napas (padahal udah tinggal pecah aja tuh tangisannya hahaah), trus udah. Bahkan ditengah-tengah nulis post ini aja juga sempat kaya gitu. Eh tapi jujur deeng, sebenernya akhirnya tadi pecah juga sebelum nulis postingan ini hahaha. Bisa lah dihitung jari berapa kali aku sedih yang segininya (yang sampe harus curcol ke sini, wkkwk), sedih yang bikin dada terasa sesak. Sedih yang karena ini bukan suatu hal yang bisa kita ceritakan ke orang (btw kok jadi agak lebay ya kedengarannya haha, tenang aja, ini bukan ngelakuin dosa atau tindak kriminal kok hehehe). Hmm kadang ditambah berbagai faktor seperti sendiri di negeri orang, jauh dari rumah dan keluarga, dan sendiri di kamar (kaya sekarang, eaa) bikin kesedihan ini makin terasa lagi sedihnya. Huft. Ok, stop being sad again please? Nah lagi sedih-sedih gitu, kan biasa ya, melakukan yang biasa aku lakukan pas sedih, yaitu mencoba distraksi pikiran aku, nah kebetulan yang aku lakukan itu malah scrolling blog aku ini terus jadi baca-baca tulisan sendiri. Ajaibnya, somehow bikin perasaan aku way much better, terutama setelah baca postingan aku yang ini.  Dari situ aku jadi inget gimana pernah merasakan kesedihan yang bener2 bikin hati cukup terluka (agak cheesy ya bahasanya, ya gimana atuh ga nemu kata yang lebih macho haha) walau permasalahannya beda sih sama yang aku alami sekarang ini, dan how I deal with myself, how do I deal with my sadness, how I heal my own sorrow.  Banyak pelajaran baru yang aku dapat dari pengalaman kesedihan-super aku yang kedua ini. Pertama, its okay to be sad, you dont always have to act so strong like everything’s gonna be alright when it’s not :) Setelah cape menahan kesedihan sambil sok-sokan denial “ahh I’m okay, everything’s gonna be okay”, pas udah puncaknya sedih, kalau mau nangis ya nangis aja, karena malah bisa jadi bikin perasaan lebih lega. Kalau aku sih pas udah dikeluarin sedihnya itu ngga tanggung-tanggung, maksudnya sambil denger lagu kek, sambil inget-inget permasalahannya apa, biar diabisin gitu lho sekaligus semuanya sedihnya. Get over all your sadness, the move on for the next step.  Nah next step disini maksud aku adalah, just accept and deal with the problem that cause your sadness. Karena kalau kita terus mikirin masalahnya...yaa mau sampe kapan aja? Emang sih menurutku ini tahapan paling sulit, tapi harus diinget kalau yang bertanggung jawab sama kebahagiaan kita ya diri kita sendiri. I mean situation or people can turn you down, but in the end, its you who can control your feeling by to learn how to accept and deal with the problem, right? :) At least kalau kita udah punya mindset seperti ini insya Allah bisa lebih mudah untuk nerimo. Yang ketiga, saran yang klise dan simple, tapi sering lupa kita terapkan adalah, just remember the good things of the problem you face and believe another good things will happen again in the future, just be positive about it. Just be happy and cheerful, until you get used to it. Seorang teman pernah bilang ke saya, “Ketika ada sebuah titik hitam dalam secarik kertas putih, orang akan cenderung fokus ke titik hitam tersebut. Kamu jangan seperti itu ya. Janganlah fokus kepada suatu keburukan orang/keadaan, tapi fokuslah pada kebaikan orang/keadaan”. Disini aku belajar yaa sama aja kaya kita memandang masalah, jangan fokus ke masalahnya aja, tapi coba kita pikir-pikir, pasti ada lah hikmahnya, at least bikin kita stronger dan more mature mungkin? Hehe. Nah kalau yang terakhir, yang juga diucapkan sama alm mbak Whitney Houston dalam bentuk nyanyian, “Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all”. Awalnya aku bingung, ni maksudnya apa ya, selfish gitu? Hehee. Ternyata ga gitu maksudnya, tapi kayaya sih lebih ke: gimana bisa menyayangi orang-orang di sekitar kita kalau menyayangi diri sendiri aja ngga bisa? Menyayangi diri sendiri itu kaya gimana sih emang? Kalau penafsiranku sih artinya kita mengevaluasi diri kita sendiri dan memikirkan gimana kita bisa improve diri kita in terms of happiness especially. Sounds like “you dont say” sih emang, tapi coba deh, kapan terakhir kali kita evaluasi diri kita, melihat kita yang dulu dan kita yang sekarang, dan menilai apakah aku yang sekarang lebih baik daripada aku yang dulu? Apakah aku yang sekarang lebih bahagian dibanding aku yang dulu? Jika jawabannya tidak, maka sebaiknya kita memikirkan apa yang sebaiknya kita lakukan. Kalau aku sendiri sih masih belum tau jawabannya gimana, cuman agak sedih juga sih ngeliat aku yang dulu seneng buat puisi-puisi atau cerita fiktif mini gitu (walau emang jelek banget sih hehehe), tapi hobi itu sudah mulai hilang :( daaan banyak lainnya..... Well....I believe, this too shall pass :) I mean, kesedihan ini, insya Allah akan memudar seiring berjalannya waktu. Semoga bisa makin dewasa dan bijak deh kalau ada masalah, mbok ya bukanya Al-Quran gitu hehe bukan malah blog sendiri. Eh tapi lebih bagus lagi ya ngga pas ada masalah aja bukanya hehe.  Anyway, sebagai penutup, aku pikir worth it untuk menuliskan kembali quote yang bener-bener “ngena” buat aku ini. Seperti akhir di tulisan yang aku bikin hampir tepat 4 tahun lalu, ketika aku bilang saat in hatiku belum seluas langit bitu, sekarang juga belum kok. Tapi aku masih berharap, semoga hati saya bisa terus dilapangkan, begitu pula kamu :) Agar kita bisa terus semangat dan bahagia menjalani hari. Karena aku pikir aura itu bisa nular, kalau kita bahagia dan cheerful terus, semoga teman-teman sekitar kita juga bisa ikut ketularan bahagianya. Itu yang aku rasain sih soalnya dari berteman sama kawan-kawan yang happy happy mulu hehhe. So, here it is, quotenya, mungkin akan berguna lagi untuk aku di masa yang akan datang, atau buat kamu, yaa siapapun kamu yang kebetulan baca ini, jika sedang menglami kesedihan.. “Milikilah hati yang luas, seluas langit biru. Di dalam hati yang luas, kamu akan menampung rasa memaafkan yang besar, kekuatan untuk berpikir dan bertindak positif serta semangat untuk menjelang hari esok yang tidak pernah pudar. Jadilah langit itu.” -- Seluas Langit Biru -- London, 12 Maret 2017 00.37
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rabbittstewcomics · 6 years ago
Episode 198
Justice League 25 by Jorge Jimenez, Scott Snyder, Alejandro Sanchez, James Tynion IV, Javi Fernandez, Hi-Fi
Black Cat 1 by Jed McKay, Mike Dowling, Travel Foreman, Nao Fuji, Brian Reber
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual by Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, David Curiel
Incredible Hulk: Last Call by Peter David, Dale Keown, Marc Deering, Mark Farmer, Scott Hanna, Walden Wong, John Starr, Peter Steigerwald
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Luke Skywalker by Greg Pak, Scott Koblish, Stefano Landini, Chris Sprouse, Marc Deering, Karl Story, Tamra Bonvillain
Frozen: The Hero Within by Joe Carmag, Kawaii Creative Studio
Toy Story 4 by Haden Blackman, Ivan Shavrin, Tommaso Renieri, Rosa La Barbera, Veronica Di Lorenzo
Thumbs 1 by Sean Lewis, Hayden Sherman
Category Zero 1 by Adem Kiamil, Tom Lima
Ignited 1 by Kwanza Osajyefo, Mark Waid, Phil Briones, Andrew Crossley, Leonardo Paciarotti
Princess Revolution 1 by Elaine Tipping
Hotel Dare GN by Terry Blas, Claudia Aguirre
  Reviews: Black Mirror: Striking Vipers, Iron Fist s2, Polar, Before Watchmen Omnibus, Dark Phoenix
  News: Death of Vertigo, Jurassic World cartoon, Deadly Class & Happy canceled, Swamp Thing canceled, Maneaters nonsense, Good Place ending next season
  Trailers: Jessica Jones s3
  Comics Countdown, 05 Jun 2019:
Criminal 5 by Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Jacob Phillips
Deathstroke 44 by Christopher Priest, Fernando Pasarin, Ryan Winn, Jeromy Cox
Hotel Dare by Terry Blas, Claudia Aguirre
Paper Girls 29 by Brian K Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, Dee Cunniffe, Matt Wilson,
Black Hammer ‘45 4 by Matt Kindt, Ray Fawkes, Jeff Lemire, Sharlene Kindt
Giant Days 51 by John Allison, Max Sarin, Whitney Cogar
Ronin Island 4 by Greg Pak, Giannis Milogiannis, Irma Kniivila
Birthright 36 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan
Justice League 25 by Jorge Jimenez, Scott Snyder, Alejandro Sanchez, James Tynion IV, Javi Fernandez, Hi-Fi
Harley Quinn 62 by Sam Humphries, Otto Schmidt
  Check out this episode!
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mathematicalrosebudthorn · 7 years ago
18 jan 2018
H* is a graded module over the graded Steenrod algebra; Wu classes vanish above half the dimension of your manifold. Wu’s formula, the Adem relations, what Steenrod squares are. The Bockstein homomorphism generates the Steenrod algebra? Formulas between the Wu classes and the Stiefel-Whitney classes, obtained from Sq(v) = w and Wu’s formula with Sq^i(w_k).
Spin manifolds: w1 = w2 = 0. Every sphere is spin.
Steenrod squares Sq^i is a family of maps for every k, H^k -> H^k+i and the only representable map (represented by the appropriate Wu class v_i in H^i) is if your manifold is closed and is the map from H^n-i -> H^n, with v_i in H^i by Poincare duality.
Relative characteristic classes - instead of mapping to a big Grassmannian, it’s a small Grassmannian and all the bundles are subbundles of the trivial one.
The construction of Steenrod squares and geometrically what they represent (failure of commutativity/associativity of cup product on cochain level)
Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch, Chern-Weil theory - what the hell is a Todd class, and what is the motivation for the symmetric invariant polynomial in the curvature that defines it? Proof of Riemann-Roch involves a lot of exact sequences of sheaves and the degree genus formula follows from Riemann-Roch and proving it for the sphere, then for arbitrary curves + a point (induction).
Jacobian variety is the kernel of the map Pic -> H^2 ie Pic0 and Pic0(E) = E for E an elliptic curve (another example of a fixed point functor?)
A geometric realization of Poincare duality: first of all, cohomology classes correspond to dual simplices. We can see this by taking a basis element: a single simplex. Let coefficients be in Z/2 and let f be a cochain on this simplex [v0, v1, v2]. Then if f is a cocycle, it must satisfy df = 0 ie the cocycle condition: df[v0,v1,v2] = f[v0,v1] - f[v2,v0] + f[v1,v2] = 0 so in Z/2 an EVEN number of the edges must be assigned a nonzero value (1) by f (so either 0 or 2). Then, we can consider transverse arcs intersecting each edge according to the value of f; remarkably if we do this over all simplices, we obtain a dual decomposition, and each dual simplex is a cycle. In Z coefficients, we allow for greater # of intersections by dual simplices, with sign corresponding to appropriate orientation on the edges. Then, for a given cocycle on this simplex, we can associate to it a cycle (the dual to the simplex). Thus cocycles can be interpreted as dual simplices to a given simplicial decomposition.
Now, Poincare’s proof of duality is as follows: take such a simplicial decomposition of your manifold (which exists up to homotopy). Take the dual decomposition. Then for every k-cell S, there exists a unique (n-k)-cell DS, the dual simplex, which intersects S. Now count the # of intersection points. This gives us a pairing between k-cells and their duals to Z via the intersection #. By the above, we can interpret the k-cells as cocycles so that the pairing is H^k x H_n-k -> Z. That this is an isomorphism is Poincare duality (ie it’s a perfect pairing). Moreover the map H^k -> H_n-k given by contraction with the fundamental class [M] n - makes sense in this context: if we take a cocycle f and contract it on [M], which we take as our dual decomposition, then we’re literally intersecting the k-cell that f is defined on with the dual decomposition giving us the unique dual (n-k)-cell, scaled with the appropriate intersection #.
This also gives us that cup product is dual to intersection ie [A]* u [B]* = [A n B]* so cup product geometrically really can be seen through the intersesction product.
The geometric picture of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem: the trace detects the permutation of basis elements, and so if every basis simplex is moved, the matrix diagonal is all 0s. Thus, if true over all dimensions of simplices, the Lefschetz number is 0. We can use this to prove that CP^2n, RP^2n, and every compact simplicial complex with all torsion homology has the fixed point property, and if so, can not be group objects (Brouwer argument applied to disk, applied to multiplication map and uniqueness of identity).
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speedymiraclebeard · 1 month ago
Don't ignore me, listen to our sad story💔🥹🍉
Where did the situation in Gaza reach?
You made us look for flour, you slanderers. The price of a bag of flour has doubled and there is no cash for us to buy it...
The height of oppression, I swear we will die of hunger, people
We are dying of hunger, Arabs
God is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs
We even started eating with a spoon because there was no flour.
May God take revenge on those who caused us such famine
God is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs.
Gaza, the land of goodness, is dying of hunger, cold, and fear.
We miss the days of peace, God, end the war
Voices from Gaza.. Where are our rights?
In Gaza, we live every day a struggle not only for survival, but for our basic right to a dignified life.
My rights as a human being:
To live safely, away from the sounds of bombing and the fear that haunts me and my children every night.
Eat healthy food, not the crumbs provided by harsh conditions that lack the minimum requirements for health.
Get treatment when my kids get sick, without having to wait under the risk of explosions or lack of medication.
I wish I didn't have to ask for this, but circumstances leave me no choice. Please donate or highlight my campaign so I can buy a $100 bag of flour and basic food supplies so my family can eat healthy instead of spoiled food 🙏💔
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #338 )✅️
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mayhemkitten11 · 20 days ago
Do what you can to help Aisha everyone!!
Urgent!! Emergency 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
Don't ignore me, listen to our sad story💔🥹🍉
On October 29, Aisha Al-Masri’s life was shattered when her beloved husband, Mohammed Al-Masri, was tragically killed in an Israeli airstrike as he went to collect food aid. He was simply trying to provide for his family when the bombing took his life.
Now, Aisha and her precious little boy Saadi are left alone to deal with this unimaginable loss in a war-torn region.
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Mohammed was their protector, their provider, their world. With him gone, Aisha struggles to keep herself and Saadi safe and warm as winter approaches. Their home has been reduced to rubble by bombs, leaving them without shelter or basic necessities.
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How you can help:
Aisha and Saadi need urgent support to survive the coming harsh winter. They are in dire need of a safe place to stay, warm clothes and basic supplies. Your generous donations can help them rent a room to protect them from the cold and provide the basic necessities they need to rebuild their lives.
Every contribution - no matter how small - brings hope to Aisha and Saadi during this difficult time. Your kindness can help them find safety after losing everything.
This is a photo of Saadi in their beautiful home before the bombs destroyed it. This is what they lost, but with your help, they can find hope again.
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Please donate:
If you feel moved by their story, please consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign. Your support means the world to Aisha and Saadi - it gives them hope that they are not alone in this fight for survival.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for reading their story and for any help you can offer during this sad time.
With deep gratitude,
Aisha Al Masry
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #338 )✅️
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beanfreepalestine · 21 days ago
USD $453 / USD $15,000
Urgent!! Emergency 🙏‼️🇵🇸💔
Don't ignore me, listen to our sad story💔🥹🍉
On October 29, Aisha Al-Masri’s life was shattered when her beloved husband, Mohammed Al-Masri, was tragically killed in an Israeli airstrike as he went to collect food aid. He was simply trying to provide for his family when the bombing took his life.
Now, Aisha and her precious little boy Saadi are left alone to deal with this unimaginable loss in a war-torn region.
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Mohammed was their protector, their provider, their world. With him gone, Aisha struggles to keep herself and Saadi safe and warm as winter approaches. Their home has been reduced to rubble by bombs, leaving them without shelter or basic necessities.
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How you can help:
Aisha and Saadi need urgent support to survive the coming harsh winter. They are in dire need of a safe place to stay, warm clothes and basic supplies. Your generous donations can help them rent a room to protect them from the cold and provide the basic necessities they need to rebuild their lives.
Every contribution - no matter how small - brings hope to Aisha and Saadi during this difficult time. Your kindness can help them find safety after losing everything.
This is a photo of Saadi in their beautiful home before the bombs destroyed it. This is what they lost, but with your help, they can find hope again.
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Please donate:
If you feel moved by their story, please consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign. Your support means the world to Aisha and Saadi - it gives them hope that they are not alone in this fight for survival.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for reading their story and for any help you can offer during this sad time.
With deep gratitude,
Aisha Al Masry
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #338 )✅️
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